NOG PhD Council

The NOG PhD Council is a representative board which organizes events catered specifically to the NOG PhD community. These events can consist of, for instance, seminars or webinars; workshops; symposia; lectures; and reading or writing groups – to which ECTS can be appointed. The Council consists of PhD candidates who represent the NOG members of their respective universities, and who will make an effort to organize events which reflect the interests of their constituencies.

The PhD Council invites any interested NOG PhD members to join the Council. The Council is meant to equally represent each affiliated university, inclusive of all types of PhD candidates. The PhD Council invites NOG PhD members to inform the Council on what events would interest them, by reaching out to the representative of their university. Additionally, the Council offers the possibility to NOG PhD members to organize their own event, for which part of the Council budget can be made available. For instance, if a NOG PhD member is interested in organizing a lecture from a specific professor, or if a member is interested in opening up an existing reading or writing group, they may make use of this opportunity.


A budget is available for the activities planned by the Council. In addition to organizing PhD-led curricula, members of the NOG PhD Council represent the interests of the NOG PhD community in the NOG Curriculum Board meetings, as well as in the organization of the NOG National Research Day.

The chair and secretary of the Council rotate between each meeting. The role of treasurer and external communications are fixed for the period of one academic year. Currently, Lindsay Weber is the Council treasurer, and Berna Toprak is in charge of external communications. Vasiliki Belia represents the PhD Council on the NOG Curriculum Committee.


If you are interested in contacting the NOG PhD Council, please reach out to your university’s representative, or email to, with “NOG PhD Council” in the subject line.


  • Vasiliki Belia, (she/her), representative Maastricht University.
  • Nisrine Chaer, (she/her), representative Utrecht University.
  • Nik Linders (he/him), representative Radboud University.
  • Noah Littel (they/them), representative Maastricht University.
  • Berna Toprak, (she/her), representative University of Amsterdam.
  • Aldo Kempen, (he/him), representative Open University.
  • Lindsay Weber (she/her), representative Utrecht University.