Yearly Archives: 2024

In Memoriam: Selma Sevenhuijsen (1948 – 2024)

In January 2024, prof em. Selma Sevenhuijsen passed away.  She was one of first professors in Gender Studies in the Netherlands and a co-founder of the Netherlands Research School of Women’s Studies in 1995, now NOG (Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies). Selma Sevenhuijsen studied at the UvA and was one [...]

In Memoriam: Selma Sevenhuijsen (1948 – 2024)2024-02-13T14:47:21+01:00

PhD Defense Petar Odak, May 3, 2024

On Friday, May 3, 2024. NOG PhD member Petar Odak will defend his PhD project. Odak’s dissertation traces and analyses the affective, ghostly presences of state socialist pasts of twentieth-century Europe. He focuses on these presences within the vast field of experience economy, by analysing immersive museums, performative practices of historical [...]

PhD Defense Petar Odak, May 3, 20242024-02-13T14:19:02+01:00

Lisa Burghardt

Lisa Burghardt is a PhD candidate in the Department of Media and Culture Studies at Utrecht University and part of the NWO funded project Virtual Reality as Empathy Machine:  Media, Migration and the Humanitarian Predicament. Within the project, she conducts research on how we can assess the experience of audiences being immersed in VR [...]

Lisa Burghardt2024-02-02T15:09:46+01:00

Laurence Herfs

Laurence Herfs is a PhD candidate in the Department of Media and Culture Studies and part of the NWO funded project Virtual Reality as Empathy Machine:  Media, Migration and the Humanitarian Predicament. She conducts research into the representation of refugees, migrants and the suffering Other within immersive and VR media technologies. For [...]

Laurence Herfs2024-01-29T13:29:50+01:00

Maria Auxiliadora (Auxi) Castillo Soto

María Auxiliadora (Auxi) Castillo Soto is a PhD candidate in the Department of Media and Culture Studies at Utrecht University, more specifically in Literary and Gender Studies; and she is part of the EUTERPE Project: European Literatures and Gender from a Transnational Perspective. For this project, she analyzes how European belonging and [...]

Maria Auxiliadora (Auxi) Castillo Soto2024-01-25T14:49:18+01:00

Fleur Renkema

Fleur Renkema is a PhD candidate at the department of Media and Culture at Utrecht University. Her project aims to write a cultural history of the gay and lesbian left in the Netherlands in the period of 1970-1990. Her research mainly focuses on the ideologies and cultural practices of leftist gay [...]

Fleur Renkema2024-09-30T13:14:33+02:00

Charlie Loopuijt

Charlie Loopuijt (he/they), a PhD candidate at Radboud University’s Department of Language and Communication, explores trans linguistics and queer health with the research titled, Linguistic Desire Paths: Exploring Strategies of Transgender and Non-Binary Identity Expression through Language Play and Negotiation. Exploring how transgender and non-binary folks forge new linguistic avenues to [...]

Charlie Loopuijt2024-01-25T14:37:04+01:00

Frames of Palestine (part 2) – Film Screening by GGeP

The Graduate Gender Programme at Utrecht University is organising a film series entitled Frames of Palestine, screening a variety of films that show the Palestinian occupation and struggle. The program for part 2 is as followed: Photo Booth by John Greyson (2022) Q&A with director When: January 24, 16.30-19.00 Where: Janskerkhof 2-3, [...]

Frames of Palestine (part 2) – Film Screening by GGeP2024-01-22T16:56:17+01:00
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