The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (NOG) at Utrecht University (The Netherlands) provides a platform for gender sensitive and postcolonial research. Since 1995, the NOG has offered a highly successful training programme and research environment for postgraduate students, PhD students and senior researchers. The NOG teaching and research staff consists of an international team of professors and senior lecturers from various universities.
PhD Defense Laura Candidatu, June 25, 2021
On Friday June 25, 2021 NOG PhD Laura Candidatu will defend her PhD thesis Digitally mediated diasporic formations: Everyday mothering practices of Romanian, Turkish, and Somali women living in the Netherlands at Utrecht University. Digitally mediated diasporic formations This research looks at how Romanian, Somali and Turkish women living in [...]
Lecture ‘Syrian LGBTIQ Refugees after the Hype: Affects, Representations, and Queer Humanitarianism’ by Fadi Saleh
On Tuesday June 29, 2021 from 17:00-18:30 hrs Dr. Fadi Saleh will give the online NOG lecture 'Syrian LGBTIQ Refugees after the Hype: Affects, Representations, and Queer Humanitarianism'. In this NOG lecture, Fadi Saleh provides a brief history of the emergence, consolidation, and disappearance of Syrian LGBTIQ refugees as [...]
Masterclass Queer/Trans Anthropology: Insights for Transdisciplinary Research by Fadi Saleh
On Wednesday June 30, 2021 from 11:00-15:00 hrs Dr. Fadi Saleh will teach the online NOG masterclass 'Queer/Trans Anthropology: Insights for Transdisciplinary Research'. Over the decades following the emergence and consolidation of queer and, later, trans studies, cultural anthropologists started to import and incorporate queer and trans theories, methods, [...]
NOG-Virtual Book Launch Event: Meet the Author
We would like to announce the recent book publications by three researchers of the Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (NOG). We want to celebrate this moment with a virtual book launch event “Meet the Author”. Join us on Tuesday June 15, 2021 from 15:00-16:30 (CET) and mark with [...]
Doing Gender Lecture – Sabrina Marchetti
The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies in cooperation with her partners organises the DOING GENDER Lecture Series. These lectures stress the importance of doing gender work combined with an active involvement in the practice of gender theory and research. The concept of DOING GENDER supports a hands-on approach [...]
Celebrating the work of feminist and postcolonial scholar Frances Gouda
On June 8th, it will be two years since Frances Gouda passed away. Professor Emeritus Frances Gouda was an esteemed colleague and generous mentor to many in our Gender Studies and Postcolonial Studies communities in and far beyond the Netherlands. To commemorate her work and life, the Amsterdam Research [...]