The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (NOG) at Utrecht University (The Netherlands) provides a platform for gender sensitive and postcolonial research. Since 1995, the NOG has offered a highly successful training programme and research environment for postgraduate students, PhD students and senior researchers. The NOG teaching and research staff consists of an international team of professors and senior lecturers from various universities.
Masterclass with Alison Harvey
NOG Masterclass with Alison Harvey Wednesday February 26, 2020 Utrecht University 10.00 – 13.00 hrs Double Agents: Community-Engaged Scholarship in the Marketized University In the contemporary climate, there are increasing pressures to deploy academic research to address emerging societal issues and challenges. This masterclass focuses on the opportunities and [...]
Inaugural Lecture Prof. dr. Sarah Bracke, March 6, 2020
On Friday March 6, 2020 at 4.00 p.m., Professor Sarah Bracke - appointed as Professor of Sociology, in particular the Study of Gender and Sexuality - will deliver her Inaugural Lecture, with the title: "It’s the Birth Rates." Sex, Gender, and Race in Europe’s 'Muslim Question'. You're welcome to [...]
Doing Gender Lecture – Alison Harvey
The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies in cooperation with her partners organises the Doing Gender Lecture Series. These lectures stress the importance of doing gender work combined with an active involvement in the practice of gender theory and research. The concept of DOING GENDER supports a hands-on approach to [...]
Afscheidscollege Annelies Moors
Ter gelegenheid van haar emeritaat zal Prof. dr. Annelies Moors - hoogleraar Sociaal-wetenschappelijke studie van hedendaagse moslimsamenlevingen - op vrijdag 6 december 2019 om 16.00 uur haar afscheidscollege geven, getiteld 'Liberating the Money, Liberating the Sperm: Social Reproduction, Living Islam, and Palestinian Ethnography Revisited'. Het wordt op prijs gesteld [...]
Doing Gender Lecture – Jennifer Cooke
The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies in cooperation with her partners organises the twenty first round of the DOING GENDER Lecture Series. These lectures stress the importance of doing gender work combined with an active involvement in the practice of gender theory and research. The concept of DOING GENDER [...]
Masterclass with Chelsea Schields
Masterclass with Dr. Chelsea Schields Thursday November 14, 2019 Utrecht University Drift 23, room 0.20 10.30 - 12.30 hrs Racial Knowledge in the Afterlife of Slavery In this masterclass, participants will consider the global itinerancy of racial knowledge. The masterclass is open to all PhD and Research Master students interested [...]