

The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (NOG) at Utrecht University (The Netherlands) provides a platform for gender sensitive and postcolonial research. Since 1995, the NOG  has offered a highly successful training programme and research environment for postgraduate students, PhD students and senior researchers. The NOG teaching and research staff consists of an international team of professors and senior lecturers from various universities.


CFP: Edited volume on papers presented on the NOG Research Days

Domitilla Olivieri ( D.Olivieri@uu.nl ) and Koen Leurs ( K.H.A.Leurs@uu.nl ) (both graduated PhD students from the Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies, NOG), invite you to submit an abstract for an edited book with the title “Everyday feminist research praxis”. More specifically, they welcome submissions by early career [...]

Posted on: 11/12/2012|

Carnal Aesthetics: Transgressive Imagery and Feminist Politics

Art today is an increasingly multifaceted phenomenon, encompassing transgressive works that intervene in war, inequalities, ecological disasters, and revolutionary changes in technology. Carnal Aesthetics is a fascinating new examination of this aspect of contemporary visual culture. Employing recent theories of transgressive body imagery, trauma, affectivity and sensation, this book [...]

Posted on: 11/12/2012|

Seminar ‘Life narratives: memory, citizenship and gender’

On 10 January 2013 a seminar will be organised at Utrecht University about the interaction between life narratives and writing history. Papers will be presented on ways in which the critical analysis of memories and biographies inform – change, corroborate, disturb — historical narratives of national citizenship. Organisers are [...]

Posted on: 05/12/2012|

Retirement Prof. dr. Gloria Wekker, Utrecht University

See below a message from our retiring NOG member professor Gloria Wekker. We are gratefull for the 18 years of productive, inspiring and harmonious cooperation and are delighted to announce her decision to stay affiliated as a professor of the NOG. Best wishes, NOG Board   Dear colleague, contact, friend,   In [...]

Posted on: 11/10/2012|
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