Elizabeth Omoruyi

Title: Women Oppressing Women: An Intersectional Reading of Women Authors in Nigeria
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Sandra Ponzanesi and Prof. Dr. Ernst van Alphen
Date of Award: 07-02-2025 (Utrecht University)

Biljana Volcheska-Verbrugge

Title: The Symbolic Potential of the Past: Political Crises, Memory Politics, and Europeanisation in Southeastern Europe – The Case of North Macedonia
Supervisors: Prof. Rosemarie Buikema
Date of Award: 06-12-2024 (Utrecht University)

Gohar Rahimi
Title: Pop Feminism(s) Against the Grain: Articulations of Agency, Race, and Class
Supervisors: Prof. Sandra Ponzanesi and Prof. Rita Monticelli (University of Bologna, Italy)
Co-supervisors: Dr. Domitilla Olivieri and dr. Serena Baiesi (University of Bologna, Italy)
Date of Award: 15-11-2024 (Utrecht University)

Francois Jonker
Title: Towards Response-able Arts-based Practices in Higher Education
Supervisors: Prof. Kathrin Thiele and Prof. Vivien Bozalek (University of the Western Cape, South Africa).
Date of Award: 04-10-2024 (Utrecht University)

Zeynep Anli
Title: Hope, Destruction and Rebirth: Acts of Recovery in Gender Separatist Feminist Utopian Literature
Supervisors: Dr. Liesbeth Minnaard and Prof. Frans Willem Korsten
Date of Award: 06-09-2024 (Leiden University)

Rosa Wevers
Title: Facing Surveillance: Artistic and Curatorial Strategies in Times of Control.
Supervisors: Prof. Rosemarie Buikema, Prof. Beatrice de Graaf, Dr. Evelyn Wan.
Date of Award: 28-06-2024 (Utrecht University)

Petar Odak
Title: Feeling Socialism Again: Affective Ambivalences of Socialist Legacies in the Context of the Experience Economy.
Supervisors: Prof. Rosemarie Buikema & Dr. Domitilla Olivieri
Date of Award: 3-05-2024 (Utrecht University)

Anita Ramcharan
Title: Een cultuur vol liederen of liedkunst vol cultuur: De positie van de vrouw in Hindostaanse liedkunst.
Supervisors: Prof. dr Berteke Waaldijk & Prof. dr Michiel van Kempen
Date of Award: 21-12-2023 (Utrecht University)

Debora Barnabè
Title: For as We All Differ in Face, so Do We Differ in the Manner of Our Exercises That Are Interior” Gertrude More’s, Catherine Gascoigne’s and Barbara Constable’s religious writings through a feminist perspective on religious women’s agency and mysticism
Supervisors: Prof. Anne-Marie Korte, Dr. Eva Midden, Dr. Gilberta Golinolli, Dr. Gino Scatasta
Date of Award: 28-06-2023 (Utrecht University)

Ida Hansen
Title: Being Through Loss: A Queer Performative Reckoning With Grief
Supervisors: Dr. Kathrin Thiele and Prof. Rosemarie Buikema
Date of Award: 10-03-2023 (Utrecht University)

Widya F. Ningsih
Title: More Than the Wedding Ring – Engaged Women of the Indonesian State Formation, 1940s-1960s
Supervisors: Prof. Susan Legene and Prof. Bambang Purwanto
Date of Award: 26-09-2022 (Free University Amsterdam)

Gerwin van Schie
Title: The Datafication of Race-Ethnicity: An Investigation into Technologically Mediated Racialization in Dutch Governmental Data Systems and Infrastructures
Supervisors: Prof. Sandra Ponzanesi and Prof. José van Dijck
Date of Award: 16-09-2022 (Utrecht University)

Rozemarijn van de Wal
Title: Dancing in the Kitchens of History. Eileen Power (1889-1940)
Supervisors: Prof. Mineke Bosch and Prof. Catrien Santing
Date of Award: 15-09-2022 (University of Groningen)

Dide van Eck
Title: The im-/possibilities of organizing inclusivity for service sector workers
Supervisors: Prof. Marieke van den Brink and Dr. Laura Dobusch
Date of Award: 14-06-2022 (Radboud University Nijmegen)

Adriano Habed
Title: Queer Critique and Its Discontents
Supervisors: Prof. Sandra Ponzanesi and Dr. Lorenzo Bernini
Date of Award: 10-05-2022 (Utrecht University)

Nike Romano
Title: Reconfiguring a History of Art and Design Curriculum in a South African University of Technology. Becoming-With Critical Arts-Based Pedagogical Encounters.
Supervisors: Dr. Kathrin Thiele and Prof. Vivienne Bozalek
Date of award: 08-04-2022 (Utrecht University)

Claudia Minchilli
Title: Localizing Digital Diasporas: Diasporic Digital Networking Among Somali, Romanian and Turkish Women Through the Lens of Social Class
Supervisors: Prof. Sandra Ponzanesi, Dr. Radhika Gajjala and Dr. Domitilla Olivieri
Date of Award: 19-11-2021 (Utrecht University)

Valeria Stabile
Title: Pues no soy mujer. The Upheaval of Singularity in Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.
Supervisors: Prof. Rosemarie Buikema, Dr. Kathrin Thiele, Prof. Maria Josè Rodrigo Mora and Prof. Edoardo Balletta
Date of Award: 12-11-2021 (Utrecht University)

Lieks Hettinga
Title: Appearing Differently: Disability and Transgender Embodiment in Contemporary Euro-American Visual Cultures.
Supervisors: Prof. Rosemarie Buikema, Dr. Christine Quinan and Dr. Kathrin Thiele
Date of Award: 05-11-2021 (Utrecht University)

Deirdre Donoghue
Title: Maternal Subjectivity and Practices of Care as Aesthetic, Political and Environmental Forces in The Creative Practices of Five Contemporary Mother-Artists
Supervisors: Prof. Rosemarie Buikema and Dr. Kathrin Thiele
Date of Award: 01-10-2021 (Utrecht University)

Laura Candidatu
Title: Digitally mediated diasporic formations: Everyday mothering practices of Romanian, Turkish, and Somali women living in the Netherlands
Supervisors: Prof. Sandra Ponzanesi, Prof. Rosemarie Buikema and Dr. Koen Leurs
Date of Award: 25-06-2021 (Utrecht University)

Melis Mevsimler
Title: Translocal Modes of Belonging. Diasporic Identity and Digital Media Amongst Migrant Women in London
Supervisors: Prof. Sandra Ponzanesi, Prof. Myria Georgiou and Dr. Koen Leurs
Date of Award: 21-04-2021 (Utrecht University)

Milica Trakilovic
Title: Unraveling the Myth: Tracing the Limits of Europe through its Border Figurations
Supervisors: Prof. Rosemarie Buikema and Prof. Sandra Ponzanesi
Date of Award: 16-10-2020 (Utrecht University)

Marijke Sniekers
Title: Acknowledging the agency of young mothers: a qualitative research into youth, motherhood, and socioeconomic independence
Supervisors: Prof. Marieke van den Brink, Dr. Els Rommes and Dr. Nol Reverda
Date of Award: 08-01-2020 (Radboud University Nijmegen)

Shuaishuai Wang
Title: Living with censorship: The political economy and cultural politics of Chinese gay dating apps
Supervisors: Prof. Jeroen de Kloet and Dr. Rachel Spronk
Date of Award: 19-11-2019 (University of Amsterdam)

Desi Dwi Prianti
Title: Tracing Imperialism, Capitalism, and Patriarchy: A Postcolonial Study of Men’s Lifestyle Magazines in Indonesia (1976–2015)
Supervisors: Prof. Rosemarie Buikema and Dr. Christine Quinan
Date of Award: 21-10-2019 (Utrecht University)

Gisela Carrasco Miró
Title: Epistemologies at a Crossroads. Decolonising Knowledges on Politics of Development, Economics, and Feminism
Supervisors: Prof. Rosemarie Buikema and Dr. Christine Quinan
Date of Award: 12-10-2018 (Utrecht University)

Marijke Naezer
Title: Sexy Adventures: An Ethnography of Youth, Sexuality and Social Media
Supervisors: Prof. Willy Jansen, Prof. Marieke van den Brink and Dr. Els Rommes
Date of Award: 04-10-2018 (Radboud University Nijmegen)

Angeliki Sifaki
Title: Greek Lesbian Teachers: School, Nation, Family
Supervisors: Prof. Berteke Waaldijk, Prof. Iris van der Tuin and Dr. Kathrin Thiele
Date of Award: 12-06-2018 (Utrecht University)

Phoebe Kisubi Mbasalaki
Title: Decolonised Sexualities: The Lived Experiences of Black Township Women Who Love Women
Supervisors: Prof. Rosemarie Buikema, Prof. Gloria Wekker and Dr. Zethu Matebeni
Date of Award: 24-01-2018 (Utrecht University)

Gianmaria Colpani
Title: Queer Hegemonies. Politics and Ideology in Contemporary Queer Debates
Supervisors: Prof. Sandra Ponzanesi, Prof. Rosemarie Buikema and Dr. Lorenzo Bernini
Date of Award: 19-05-2017 (Utrecht University)

Heather Hermant
Title: Esther Brandeau / Jacques La Fargue: Performing a Reading of an Eighteenth Century Multicrosser
Supervisors: Prof. Gloria Wekker, Prof. Geertje Mak and Prof. Rosemarie Buikema
Date of Award: 26-04-2017 (Utrecht University)

Katrine Smiet
Title: Travelling Truths: Sojourner Truth, Intersectionality and Feminist Scholarship
Supervisors: Prof. Anneke Smelik and Dr. Veronica Vasterling
Date of Award: 16-02-2017 (Radboud University Nijmegen)

Saskia Bultman
Title: Constructing a Female Delinquent Self: Assessing Pupils in the Dutch State Reform School for Girls, 1905-1975
Supervisors: Prof. Willy Jansen, Prof. Geertje Mak and Prof. Philippe van Haute
Date of Award: 14-10-2016 (Radboud University Nijmegen)

Arla Gruda
Title: Lone mothers and welfare policies in Albania. Conditions, experiences, expectations. 1944-2013
Supervisors: Prof. Berteke Waaldijk and Dr. Saemira Pino
Date of Award: 13-11-2015 (Utrecht University)

Christophe Van Eecke
Title: Pandaemonium: Ken Russell’s Artist Biographies as Baroque Performance
Supervisors: Prof. Maaike Meijer, Prof. Karel Vanhaesebrouck and Dr. Jack Post
Date of Award: 05-11-2015 (Maastricht University)

Shu-Yi Huang
Title: Being a Mother in a Strange Land: Motherhood Practices Experiences of Chinese Migrant Women in the Netherlands
Supervisors: Prof. Berteke Waaldijk and Prof. Gloria Wekker
Date of Award: 10-07-2015 (Utrecht University)

Margriet van Heesch
Title: Ze wisten niet of ik een jongen of een meisje was: Kennis, keuze en geslachtsvariaties.
Supervisors: Prof. Tineke Abma, Prof. Hugo Heymans and Prof. Guy Widdershoven
Date of Award: 29-05-2015 (University of Amsterdam)

Rahil Roodsaz
Title: Sexual Self-fashioning among the Iranian Dutch
Supervisors: Prof. Willy Jansen and Dr. Stefan Dudink
Date of Award: 21-01-2015 (Radboud University Nijmegen)

Sanne Koevoets
Title: Into the Labyrinth of Knowledge and Power. The library as a gendered space in the western imaginary.
Supervisors: Prof. Rosemarie Buikema and Prof. Svetlana Slapsak
Date of Award: 14-06-2013 (Utrecht University)

Izabella Agardi
Title: On the Verge of History Rupture and Continuity in Women’s Life Narratives from Hungary, Romania and Serbia.
Supervisors: Prof. Berteke Waaldijk and Dr. Andrea Peto
Date of Award: 11-01-2013 (Utrecht University)

Judith Samson
Title: Sexuality and Gender Discourses at European Pilgrimage Sites
Supervisors: Prof. Willy Jansen and Dr. Catrien Notermans
Date of Award: 17-09-2012 (Radboud University Nijmegen)

Chiara Bonfiglioli
Title: Revolutionary Networks. Women’s political and social activism in Cold War Italy and Yugoslavia (1945-1957)
Supervisor: Prof. Rosi Braidotti
Date of Award: 14-09-2012 (Utrecht University)

Vera Fonseca
Title: Paula Rego: towards a feminist visual theory/practice or Visual embodiment of a feminist theory/practice
Supervisors: Prof. Rosi Braidotti and Prof. Paulo de Medeiros
Date of Award: 31-08-2012 (Utrecht University)

Koen Leurs
Title: Digital passages. Moroccan-Dutch youths performing diaspora, gender and youth cultural identities across digital space
Supervisors: Prof. Rosemarie Buikema and Dr. Sandra Ponzanesi
Date of Award: 27-06-2012 (Utrecht University)

Roel van den Oever
Title: Dominant Mothers, Queer Sons. (Un)doing Momism in Postwar American Culture
Supervisors: Prof. Maaike Meijer and Dr. Renée c. Hoogland
Date of Award: 15-06-2012 (Maastricht University)

Iris Shiripinda
Title: Sex, Hiv and Aids. Practices and ideas of Zimbabwean women on sexuality and prevention of infection
Supervisor: Prof. Willy Jansen
Date of Award: 28-02-2012 (Radboud University Nijmegen)

Domitilla Olivieri
Title: Haunted by reality: toward a feminist study of documentary film: indexicality, visiou and the artifice
Supervisors: Prof. Rosemarie Buikema and Prof. Rosi Braidotti
Date of Award: 10-02-2011 (Utrecht University)

Doro Wiese

Title: ‘The Powers of The False’. Reading, Writing, Thinking beyond Truth and Fiction
Supervisors: Prof. Rosemarie Buikema and Prof. Rosi Braidotti
Date of Award: 10-06-2011 (Utrecht University)

Bibi Straatman
Title: Palimpsest; langzaam denken over actorschap en revolutie
Supervisors: Prof. Rosemarie Buikema and Dr. Iris van der Tuin
Date of Award: 21-01-2011 (Utrecht University)

Jeannette van der Sanden
Title: Transferring knowledge about sex and gender: Dutch case studies
Supervisors: Prof. Berteke Waaldijk, Prof. Mieke Verloo and Dr. Andrea Pető
Date of Award: 25-06-2010 (Utrecht University)

Lena Eckert
Title: Intervening in Intersexualization: The Clinic and the Colony
Supervisors: Prof. Gloria Wekker and Prof. Rosemarie Buikema
Date of Award: 28-05-2010 (Utrecht University)

Sabrina Marchetti

Title: Postcoloniality and paid domestic labour: Narratives of Eritrean and Afro-Surinamese migrant women
Supervisors: Prof. Gloria Wekker and Dr. Sandra Ponzanesi
Date of Award: 28-05-2010 (Utrecht University)

Sanne Derks
Title: Power and pilgrimage: Dealing with class, gender and ethnic inequality at a Bolivian Marian shrine
Supervisors: Prof. Willy Jansen and Dr. Catrien Notermans
Date of Award: 06-07-2009 (Radboud University Nijmegen)

Bolette Blaagaard
Title: Journalism of Relation: Social Constructions of ‘Whiteness’ and their Implications in Contemporary Danish Journalistic Practice and Production
Supervisors: Prof. Rosi Braidotti, Prof. Rosemarie Buikema and Prof. Lilie Chouliaraki
Date of Award: 20-02-2009 (Utrecht University)

Edyta Just
Title: New Reproductive Assemblages: Understanding, Managing and ‘Using’ Human In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Supervisors: Prof. Rosi Braidotti and Prof. Rosemarie Buikema
Date of Award: 12-01-2009 (Utrecht University)

Irma Reci
Title: Unemployed and Scarred for Life? Longitudinal Analyses of How Unemployment and Policy Changes Affect Re-employment Careers and Wages in the Netherlands, 1980-2000
Supervisor: Prof. Harry Ganzeboom
Co-supervisors: Prof. Melinda Mills and Prof. Jeanne de Bruijn
Date of Award: 01-12-2008 (Free University Amsterdam)

Iris van der Tuin
Title: Third Wave Materialism: New Feminist Epistemologies and the Generation of European Women’s Studies
Supervisor: Prof. Rosi Braidotti
Date of Award: 20-06-2008 (Utrecht University)

Marta Zarzycka
Title: Body as Crisis. The Representation of Pain in Visual Arts
Supervisors: Prof. Rosi Braidotti and Dr. Ann-Sophie Lehmann
Date of Award: 22-06-2007 (Utrecht University)

Marinka Copier
Title: Beyond the magic circle. A network perspective on role-play in online games
Supervisors: Prof. Berteke Waaldijk and Prof. Rosi Braidotti
Date of Award: 12-06-2007 (Utrecht University)

Natasha Prévost
Title: Fragmented becoming: a Deleuzian reading of becoming-child in Brazil
Supervisor: Prof. Rosi Braidotti
Date of Award: 28-11-2006 (Utrecht University)

Annette Förster
Title: Histories of Fame and Failure: Andriënne Solser, Musidora, Nell Shipman: Women acting and directing in Silent Cinema in the Netherlands, France and North America
Supervisors: Prof. Rosi Braidotti, Prof. Thomas Elsaesser and Prof. Heide Schlüpmann
Date of Award: 05-12-2005 (Utrecht University)