
Two events with Susan Stryker

On May 29th and 30th, 2013 Susan Stryker will give a public lecture in Amsterdam and Utrecht. Susan Stryker, Associate Professor of Gender and Women's Studies and Director of the Institute for LGBT Studies, University of Arizona, won an Emmy for her 2005 documentary Screaming Queens: The Riot at Compton's Cafeteria. She is [...]

Two events with Susan Stryker2018-10-29T14:12:28+01:00

Doing Gender Lectures Spring 2013

  In the spring of 2013 the Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (NOG) in cooperation with the Graduate Gender Programme (GGeP) at Utrecht University organises a tenth round of the series of lectures entitled DOING GENDER.  This title stresses the importance of doing gender work and active involvement in the [...]

Doing Gender Lectures Spring 20132018-10-29T14:12:34+01:00

NOISE Summer School 2013

From August 26-30, 2013 the NOISE Summer School will take place in Utrecht, The Netherlands. The title is Naturecultures in Feminist Academia, Art and Activism and it will be coordinated by Dr. Iris van der Tuin, Prof. Maaike Bleeker and Liu Xin. This year’s (the 21st) edition of NOI♀SE will introduce [...]

NOISE Summer School 20132018-10-29T14:12:51+01:00

Conference ‘Postcolonial Transitions in Europe’

The Postcolonial Europe Network (PEN) is organizing a conference on April 18-19, 2013 on 'Postcolonial Transitions in Europe: Conflict, Transitional Justice and Cosmopolitanism'. This conference focuses on the relevance of postcolonial theories for the understanding of world-systemic transformations and the shifts in geopolitics in terms of conflict, transitional justice and cosmopolitanism. [...]

Conference ‘Postcolonial Transitions in Europe’2018-10-29T14:12:44+01:00

Masterclass with Dr. Alison Twells

Masterclass: 'Separate spheres? Gender history in writings and records.' On Thursday April 25, 2013 (14.00 - 17.30 hrs) the Netherlands Research School of Genderstudies (Utrecht University) and the N.W. Posthumus Institute (Leiden University) are co-organizing a masterclass on gender history. The masterclass will be taught by Dr. Alison Twells, principal lecturer in [...]

Masterclass with Dr. Alison Twells2018-10-29T14:13:00+01:00

Doing Gender in the Netherlands: Taking Turns in Feminist Theory ~ April 5, 2013

The Netherlands Research School of Genderstudies (NOG) would like to invite you for the annual National Research Day dedicated to the cutting edge work of junior researchers of Dutch universities in the field of Gender, Ethnicity, Sexuality and Diversity. This year the National Research Day is called 'Doing Gender in the Netherlands: Taking Turns [...]

Doing Gender in the Netherlands: Taking Turns in Feminist Theory ~ April 5, 20132018-10-29T14:18:39+01:00

CFP: Edited volume on papers presented on the NOG Research Days

Domitilla Olivieri ( ) and Koen Leurs ( ) (both graduated PhD students from the Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies, NOG), invite you to submit an abstract for an edited book with the title “Everyday feminist research praxis”. More specifically, they welcome submissions by early career researchers affiliated [...]

CFP: Edited volume on papers presented on the NOG Research Days2018-10-29T14:06:48+01:00

Carnal Aesthetics: Transgressive Imagery and Feminist Politics

Art today is an increasingly multifaceted phenomenon, encompassing transgressive works that intervene in war, inequalities, ecological disasters, and revolutionary changes in technology. Carnal Aesthetics is a fascinating new examination of this aspect of contemporary visual culture. Employing recent theories of transgressive body imagery, trauma, affectivity and sensation, this book provides a [...]

Carnal Aesthetics: Transgressive Imagery and Feminist Politics2018-10-29T14:13:06+01:00

Seminar ‘Life narratives: memory, citizenship and gender’

On 10 January 2013 a seminar will be organised at Utrecht University about the interaction between life narratives and writing history. Papers will be presented on ways in which the critical analysis of memories and biographies inform – change, corroborate, disturb — historical narratives of national citizenship. Organisers are Berteke Waaldijk [...]

Seminar ‘Life narratives: memory, citizenship and gender’2018-10-29T14:06:48+01:00

Chiara Bonfiglioli wins Graduate Prize

A chapter of the dissertation of Chiara Bonfiglioli (doctoral degree cum laude on September 14 at Utrecht University, NOG PhD student)  won the graduate essay prize given by the Association of Women in Slavic Studies. The selection committee praised her work as original and well developed in terms of research and [...]

Chiara Bonfiglioli wins Graduate Prize2018-10-29T14:14:47+01:00

Retirement Prof. dr. Gloria Wekker, Utrecht University

See below a message from our retiring NOG member professor Gloria Wekker. We are gratefull for the 18 years of productive, inspiring and harmonious cooperation and are delighted to announce her decision to stay affiliated as a professor of the NOG. Best wishes, NOG Board   Dear colleague, contact, friend,   In the past [...]

Retirement Prof. dr. Gloria Wekker, Utrecht University2018-10-29T14:19:13+01:00
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