

The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (NOG) at Utrecht University (The Netherlands) provides a platform for gender sensitive and postcolonial research. Since 1995, the NOG  has offered a highly successful training programme and research environment for postgraduate students, PhD students and senior researchers. The NOG teaching and research staff consists of an international team of professors and senior lecturers from various universities.


NOG Collaboration with Feministisch Cultuurfonds Gender &wetenschap

In collaboration with the Feministisch Cultuurfonds Gender&wetenschap (Feminist Cultural Foundation Gender&knowledge) the NOG organizes national symposia featuring the latest developments in the field of gender and postcolonial studies. We are happy to announce that these biennial symposia will host the award ceremony of two FC G&W prizes. One prize (€5.000) [...]

Posted on: 23/08/2022|

PhD Defense Widya F. Ningsih, September 26, 2022

On Monday September 26, 2022 NOG staff member Widya Fitria Ningsih will defend her thesis  More than the wedding ring – Engaged women of the Indonesian state formation, 1940s-1960s. The dissertation focuses exclusively on the life stories of engaged women who participated in the Indonesian nation-state formation that was [...]

Posted on: 23/08/2022|

PhD Defense Gerwin van Schie, September 16, 2022

On Friday September 16, NOG PhD Gerwin van Schie will defend his thesis The Datafication of Race-Ethnicity: An Investigation into Technologically Mediated Racialization in Dutch Governmental Data Systems and Infrastructures. Van Schie investigates how data on race and ethnicity of Dutch citizens are created, distributed, and used. Many authorities [...]

Posted on: 23/08/2022|

Afscheidsrede Prof. dr. Mineke Bosch, September 16, 2022

Op vrijdag 16 september 2022 neemt Prof. dr. Mineke Bosch afscheid van de Faculteit der Letteren na ruim twaalf jaar aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen als hoogleraar Moderne Geschiedenis verbonden te zijn geweest. Zij doet dat met een afscheidsrede, getiteld Vrouwen – Gender – (Geschied)wetenschap – een persoonlijke terugblik. De [...]

Posted on: 23/08/2022|

PhD Defense Rozemarijn van de Wal, September 15, 2022

On Thursday September 15, 2022 NOG PhD Rozemarijn van de Wal will defend her dissertation Dancing in the Kitchens of History. Eileen Power (1889-1940). Her dissertation is part of the wider project SPICE ‘Scientific Personae in Cultural Encounters’. As the aim of the project is to research the construction [...]

Posted on: 23/08/2022|

NOG, NICA & Critical Humanities Seminar Series 2022-2023: Minor movements: How to Create Space for Personal and Political Change?

Introduction: How to Think Change? This year-long seminar creates a space to become more conscious of how the small movements of body and mind are shaped by intersecting power structures. How does capitalism determine our daily habits? How do online platforms like Google re-orient people’s desire? And how does [...]

Posted on: 29/06/2022|
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