

The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (NOG) at Utrecht University (The Netherlands) provides a platform for gender sensitive and postcolonial research. Since 1995, the NOG  has offered a highly successful training programme and research environment for postgraduate students, PhD students and senior researchers. The NOG teaching and research staff consists of an international team of professors and senior lecturers from various universities.


OPROEP: Dissertatieprijs Feministisch Cultuurfonds Gender&wetenschap

Schreef jij een proefschrift op het gebied van genderstudies, of waarin gender als categorie van analyse voor jouw discipline een centrale rol speelt? En heb je een goed plan om je onderzoeksresultaten te dissemineren? Meld je dan aan voor de Dissertatieprijs 2023 van het Feministisch Cultuurfonds Gender&wetenschap in samenwerking [...]

Posted on: 10/03/2023|

PhD Defense Ida Hansen, March 10, 2023

On 10 March, Ida Hansen will defend their thesis ‘Being Through Loss: A Queer Performative Reckoning With Grief’. Hansen presents a queer performative framework for ‘being through loss’ that contributes to contemporary debates on grief and scholarship on loss and death via engagement with contemporary texts that depict the loss of [...]

Posted on: 27/02/2023|

Doing Gender Lecture & Seminar – Nina Lykke

The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (NOG; hosted at Utrecht University) in cooperation with her partners organises the Doing Gender Lecture Series. These lectures stress the importance of doing gender work combined with an active involvement in the practice of gender theory and research. The concept of Doing [...]

Posted on: 21/02/2023|

NOISE Summer School 2023

Summer School 2023 Queer, Trans, Sexual Archives Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies 28 August – 1 September 2023, Utrecht University, The Netherlands What makes an archive “queer” or “trans”? What practices of archival reading are being developed in Queer and Transgender Studies? How can queer, trans, sexual histories [...]

Posted on: 06/02/2023|

GEMMA student Patrick Zaki free but hearings postponed

On December 8, 2021 (22 months after his arrest in Egypt) GEMMA student Patrick Zaki was released on parole! On February 14, 2022 Patrick uttered a statement of gratitude to everyone who supported him. He remains on trial however by an emergency court on "false news charges". After numerous  [...]

Posted on: 17/01/2023|

Doing Gender Lecture – Kehinde Andrews

The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies in cooperation with her partners organises the DOING GENDER Lecture Series. These lectures stress the importance of doing gender work combined with an active involvement in the practice of gender theory and research. The concept of DOING GENDER supports a hands-on approach [...]

Posted on: 16/01/2023|
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