NOG Research Day

Hosted by the Amsterdam Research Centre for Gender and Sexuality


Gender in Trouble, Gender in Transformation
NOG Day 2024 – Programme (link)

Gender and sexuality are intensely intertwined with a range of crises of our time: as sites of moral panics, as terrains of social and political transformation, as symptoms of contemporary crises. The intense and distinct roles that gender and sexuality play within contemporary societies worldwide raises many questions: from “Who’s afraid of Gender?” to what kinds of transformations are taking place in the name of gender and sexuality; from how questions of gender and sexuality are reshaping our societies to what is happening with our understanding and conceptualization of sex and gender along the way; from a discursive focus on gender and sexuality, to the entrenched ways in which these are also crises and transformations of class, race, ability, citizenship regimes, and other markers of inequality and difference.

The 2024 NOG Research Day is animated by these questions and focuses on the presentations of work in progress by PhD students working on questions of gender and sexuality.

Date: October 19, 2024
Time: 09.30 – 17.00 hrs (CEST)
Doelenzaal, University Library, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam
Registration: **registration is now full**
If you want to attend the NOG Day, please send an email to with ‘Registration NOG Day 2024’ as a subject line.

Detailed Programme

9:30      Doors open and coffee/tea
10:00   Welcome
10:10   Opening Panel Navigating Anti-Gender Trouble
11:15   Coffee Break
11:30    Session 1 Sex Panics and (New?) Normativities
13:00   Lunch
14:00   Session 2 Reconfigurations of Sex, Intimacy & Love
15:30   Coffee Break
15:45    Session 3 Reclaiming Gender & Reconceptualizing Agency
17:30    Closing + drinks

Prof. dr. Annemie Halsema (VU), Chair of The NOG Board
Dr. Julie McBrien (UvA), Director of the Amsterdam Research Centre for Gender and Sexuality

Opening Panel           Navigating Anti-Gender Trouble
Moderated by Prof. dr. Sarah Bracke (UvA)
Dr. Willemijn Krebbekx (UvA)
Dr. Susanne Täuber (UvA)
Dr. Adriano Habed (UU)

Panel 1             Sex Panics and (New?) Normativities
Chair and respondent: Prof. dr. Eliza Steinbock (Maastricht University)

Exploring Layers of Violence and Harassment – Sexism on the Campaign Trail
Julia van Zijl (Maastricht University & University of Exeter)

The Sexual Life of Dutch Consent Law: On Pedophilia Panics and Child Sex Dolls
Marco Borkent (Utrecht University)

Deda Didn’t Raise No Agent: Reflections on Gender, Sexuality, and Russia’s Lasting Influence in the South Caucasus
Ninutsa Nadirashvili (Utrecht University)

Neoconservative Homonormativity: The False Alternative Between Assimilation or Exclusion
Michele Bertoni (Utrecht University)

En/gendered fictions: reflections on the narrative discourse around race and gender
Graziana Marziliano (Utrecht University / University of Piemonte Orientale)

Panel 2             Reconfigurations of Sex, Intimacy & Love
Chair and respondent: Dr. Katrine Smiet (Radboud University)

The Right to Sex: Nationalism, Race, and Sexuality in Contemporary French Discourse
Lou Mousset (University of Amsterdam)

The Politics of Diversity: Enacting Sexual Difference in the Execution of a Gay Sex Club’s Door Policy
Yicun Jin (University of Amsterdam)

Tracing Gen Z Desire: Narratives of Sexual Subjectivity in the Digital Age
Marina Taraskina (University of Amsterdam)

Practicing Care-Full-Ness: Loving Beyond and Within the Couple(s)
Chiara Bassan (University of Amsterdam)

Exploring Gender(ed) Dynamics in Long-term Romantic Relationships in Midlife
Jasmine Bruce-Rogers and Avery Franken (University of Amsterdam)

Panel 3             Reclaiming Gender & Reconceptualizing Agency
Chair and respondent: Dr. Liesbeth Minnaard (Leiden University) & Dr. Looi van Kessel (Leiden University)

Reclaiming Epistemic Agency: Trans Activism Navigating Anti-Trans Epistemic Violence
Rylan Verlooy (University of Antwerp)

Beyond an Exclusionary Focus on Gender: Literature and the Decolonial Reconceptualization of Femi(ni)cide
Sofía Forchieri (Radboud University)

Gender in Motion: Evolving Gender Expectations Amongst Somali and Eritrean refugees in the Netherlands
Sharon Anyango (Maastricht University)

Reclaiming Agency Beyond Exoticism: Gender Politics Challenged by Contemporary Iranian Woman Artists
Delaram Housseinioun (Utrecht University)

Beyond Binary: The Use of (Non)Violence in Derrida’s Ontology of Violence and Butler’s Gender Performativity
Emerence Kapteijn (Radboud University)