Claudia NelsonOn Thursday September 11, 2014 Professor Claudia Nelson will give a seminar entitled Why Feminist Scholars Should Care about the Literature of Childhood: Four Case Studies. The seminar draws on age studies, adoption studies, and the close reading of texts for and/or about children to suggest that childhood is an area that feminist scholarship cannot afford to overlook.

Claudia Nelson is professor of English at Texas A&M University and the author or editor of eleven books. As a literary historian, she has specialized in Victorian literature and culture, with particular emphasis on gender, family, and childhood; she has also published work on American texts, particularly those of the nineteenth century. Her most recent monograph is Precocious Children and Childish Adults: Age Inversion in Victorian Literature (Johns Hopkins UP, 2012). A past president of the Children’s Literature Association, she is currently the editor of the Children’s Literature Association Quarterly.

The seminar is open to Research Master students and PhD students.

Seminar: Why Feminist Scholars Should Care about the Literature of Childhood: Four Case Studies
Location: Utrecht University (tba)
Date: Thursday September 11, 2014
Time: 15.30 – 17.00 hrs