The Feminist Pedagogies Circle (FemPeC) is a network of teaching staff at Radboud University who (want to) teach on topics that fall within, or are closely related to, feminist studies (e.g. gender, sexuality, race, post-colonialism, intersectionality) and/or who are interested in feminist pedagogies. 

About five times a year, the member meet to discuss the challenges of teaching gender studies, critical race theory or disability studies, the dilemmas in dealing with “anti-wokeness” outside and inside the university, and share our joyful experiences and painful encounters in the diverse classrooms in which we all teach. Our mission is to improve our teaching and mentoring through the exchange of knowledge and ideas, and to forge new relationships between like-minded colleagues.

Special Issue for the Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies

What is a ‘feminist’ classroom in the university? Is it a classroom in which feminist topics or authors are discussed? Or one in which a specific feminist approach to teaching and learning is practiced? How do teachers and students create and maintain the university classroom as a feminist space? How is such a classroom affected by larger regressive social trends – importantly, ‘anti-woke’ discourses that dismiss gender studies as an ideological hype? And how is the feminist classroom constrained by institutions – notably, the neoliberalisation of universities?

Such questions are at the heart of the special issue on ‘The Feminist Classroom: Contestations, Pedagogies, Horizons’ published in the Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies

The twelve pieces in this special issue address issues like affect, positionality, and institutional constraints that interact with what and how we teach. The issue includes both traditional research articles and more creative essays, and both the voices and perspectives of teachers and students are present.

Tentative programme (13:00-17:00):

  • Panel 1: Uncaring Structures and Care/full Approaches, with speakers Ea Utoft, Lise Zurné & Loes Oudenhuijsen, Laura Schranz and Martine Mussies. 
  • Panel 2: Teaching Against the Grain with speakers Marielle Zill, Claire Tio, Larisa van Rijn, Kiek Korevaar & Rita Sousa
  • Panel 3: Feminist Pedagogies in ‘Anti-Woke’ Times – speakers TBA
  • Drinks and socializing at the Cultuurcafé from 17:00 onwards

Sign up! 

Join us for the launch of the special issue to continue the conversation with the authors and editors. This event is open to students and staff members from within and outside Radboud University. Please sign up using the form below.

Date & Time : Monday October 28, 2024, 13:00h-17:00h.
Location: Grotius building, GR -1.075
Contact information: for any questions about this event, please contact