On Thursday 12 September, 2024 the symposium ‘Sexuality & Solidarity: Theories / Archives / Movements’, organized by Gianmaria Colpani (UU) and Wigbertson Julian Isenia (UvA), will take place at IHLIA – LGBTI Heritage, in Amsterdam.
The symposium consists of 3 panels and a film screening with a Q&A, and attempts to delve into the following questions:
How is the relation between sexuality and solidarity conceptualized in Queer and Transgender Studies, practiced by queer and trans movements historically and in the present, and recorded by LGBTQ+ and other specialized archives? Does the sexual dimension of queer and trans identities and communities facilitate and/or limit the possibility of solidarity across differences and different regimes of in/equality, including between queer and trans themselves? Is sexuality inherently social or anti- social, or both? And how do sexuality and solidarity appear in the archive? How can specialized archives and heritage institutions such as LGBTQ+ archives record and foreground relations among heterogeneous subjects and struggles dispersed across a larger archival field?
Date & Time : Thursday 12 September, 2024, 09:30h-18:00h.
Location: ILHIA – LGBTI Heritage, Oosterdokskade 143, Amsterdam
Registration Deadline: 20 August 2024. Please register by communicating your name, academic or other affiliation, and any dietary requirements at: sexuality.solidarity@gmail.com