
Symposium ‘Bodies, Borders, Archives: Spaces of Knowledge Contestation and Affective Transactions’

On Monday March 23, 2015 the symposium ‘Bodies, Borders, Archives: Spaces of Knowledge Contestation and Affective Transactions’, organized by Dr. Marta Zarzycka (UU), takes place at Utrecht University. This one-day symposium investigates a variety of spaces—historical archives, online image repositories, geographical zones marked by conflict—that are marked by more or less [...]

Symposium ‘Bodies, Borders, Archives: Spaces of Knowledge Contestation and Affective Transactions’2018-10-29T14:06:46+01:00

NOISE Summer School 2015

The registration for the NOISE Summer School 2015 is now open! Have you ever thought about which lives are deemed worthy of inclusion into contemporary regimes of power, and which are considered disposable? Are you curious about how the concepts of biopolitics and necropolitics are taken up in feminist, queer, and [...]

NOISE Summer School 20152018-10-29T14:07:40+01:00

Seminar on gendered classrooms and feminist pedagogy

'Teaching Differently: A seminar on gendered classrooms and feminist pedagogy' On Thursday March 5, 2015 the Graduate Gender Programme (GGeP) at Utrecht University, in recognition of the UU strategic theme Dynamics of Youth, are organising a meeting with Professor Jessica Ringrose (University College London) and Professor Emma Renold (Cardiff University). The [...]

Seminar on gendered classrooms and feminist pedagogy2018-10-29T14:07:48+01:00

Doing Gender Lecture by Jessica Ringrose and Emma Renold

In the spring of 2015 the Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies in cooperation with the Graduate Gender Programme (GGeP) at Utrecht University organises the fourteenth round of the DOING GENDER Lecture Series. These lectures stress the importance of doing gender work combined with an active involvement in the practice of [...]

Doing Gender Lecture by Jessica Ringrose and Emma Renold2018-10-29T14:07:58+01:00

Masterclass with Professor Sandra Ponzanesi

Masterclass: 'The Postcolonial Cultural Industry: Icons, Markets, Mythologies'. On Friday June 5, 2015 the Netherlands Research School for Literary Studies (OSL) and the Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (Utrecht University) in cooperation with the Postcolonial Studies Initiative (PCI, Utrecht University) are organizing a masterclass with professor Sandra Ponzanesi around her publication 'The Postcolonial Cultural [...]

Masterclass with Professor Sandra Ponzanesi2018-10-29T14:08:03+01:00

Doing Gender in the Netherlands: Strategies, Tactics and Impact ~ June 12, 2015

The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (NOG) would like to invite you for the annual National Research Day dedicated to the cutting edge work of junior researchers of Dutch universities in the field of Gender, Ethnicity, Sexuality and Diversity. This year the National Research Day is called ‘Doing Gender in [...]

Doing Gender in the Netherlands: Strategies, Tactics and Impact ~ June 12, 20152018-10-29T14:10:22+01:00

EDGES conference ‘The politics of gendered difference, civil rights and the workplace’

In the context of the EU LLP programme EDGES the conference 'The politics of gendered difference, civil rights and the workplace' takes place in Utrecht on Friday January 23, 2015. EDGES is a Lifelong Learning Programme Project that involves eight academic and non-academic European institutions with a longstanding collaboration and expertise in Women’s [...]

EDGES conference ‘The politics of gendered difference, civil rights and the workplace’2018-10-29T14:10:41+01:00

Doing Gender Lecture by Susan Stanford Friedman

In the spring of 2015 the Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies in cooperation with the Graduate Gender Programme (GGeP) at Utrecht University organises the fourteenth round of the DOING GENDER Lecture Series. These lectures stress the importance of doing gender work combined with an active involvement in the practice of [...]

Doing Gender Lecture by Susan Stanford Friedman2018-10-29T14:10:45+01:00

PhD Tutorial Rosi Braidotti

In April/May 2015 the NOG organizes a PhD tutorial at Utrecht University with Professor Rosi Braidotti. This interdisciplinary tutorial provides an excellent opportunity for PhD students to work with one of the major scholars working on feminist theory, posthumanism, gender studies, and philosophy. The format of the tutorial (in English) consists of [...]

PhD Tutorial Rosi Braidotti2018-10-29T14:06:46+01:00

Their desire rang through the halls and into the tower, performance by Alex Martinis Roe

Alex Martinis Roe, Their desire rang through the halls and into the tower, performance alongside a screening, Wednesday December 3, 2014, 20:00 hrs, Casco Their desire rang through the halls and into the tower (2014) is a spoken performance by artist Alex Martinis Roe. The artist focuses on the intertwining histories [...]

Their desire rang through the halls and into the tower, performance by Alex Martinis Roe2018-10-29T14:10:55+01:00

Doing Gender Lecture by Leela Gandhi

On Friday November 7 NOG, GGeP, PCI and Casco - Office for Art, Design and Theory are organizing a Doing Gender Lecture and an Open Seminar with Professor Leela Gandhi. Professor Gandhi's Doing Gender Lecture is entitled 'On Ethics of Imperfection: Practices of Self and Becoming Common' and she will approach this enterprise through [...]

Doing Gender Lecture by Leela Gandhi2018-10-29T14:06:47+01:00

New release ‘Everyday Feminist Research Praxis: Doing Gender in The Netherlands’

The book 'Everyday Feminist Research Praxis: Doing Gender in The Netherlands' (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, 340 p.) offers a selection of previously unpublished work presented during the annual Research Days of the Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (NOG) in 2011, 2012 and 2013. Reflecting the wide spectrum of interdisciplinary gender [...]

New release ‘Everyday Feminist Research Praxis: Doing Gender in The Netherlands’2018-10-29T14:11:20+01:00
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