PhD Course on Gender and Research Methodologies
Radboud University, October 11-12, 2018

Organised by: NOG, Gender & Diversity Studies (Radboud University), Nijmegen School of Management and the Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Kleve.

This course serves as an introduction to research methods in interdisciplinary gender studies. Classical and modern debate on the use of qualitative and quantitative research methods from a gender perspective. Students will be able to gain a better understanding of feminist epistemologies and methodologies. They will be able to critically reflect upon the choice and application of research methods from a gender perspective in their own PhD research.
The course takes two full days (3 ECTS), with an alternation of lectures, discussion of literature and discussion of assignments made by students. The first day will focus on qualitative research methods, the second day on quantitative research methods. Both days will take the different phases in the research process into consideration, namely design, research question, operationalization, choice of methods for accessing sources, data collection, data-analysis and interpretation and reporting. In order to receive a certificate participants must have actively participated in both days, read the assigned literature, written two short assignments on their own method selection, and actively participated in the discussions.

Organisers: prof. dr. Marieke van den Brink and dr. Inge Bleijenbergh.
Lecturers: prof. dr. Marieke van den Brink, dr. Inge Bleijenbergh, dr. Niels Spierings, dr. Laura Dobusch, dr. Els Rommes and prof. dr. Ingrid Jungwirt.

More information on the preliminary programme, lecture details, readings, assignments and registration click here.