In 1991 Utrecht University started with a pilot for a Summer School in Women’s Studies, called NOI♀SE: Network Of Interdisciplinary Wmen’s Studies in Europe. Since 1994 NOISE has been a successful yearly event giving students and teachers the opportunity to exchange their knowledge in the field of Gender Studies in an international context. From 1994 to 2011 the Summer School was made possible by a grant of the EU Lifelong Learning Programme (Erasmus Intensive Programmes, DG Education & Culture). From 2012 onwards the Summer School runs without EU-funding. Foreign students can get academic recognition at the home university for the work they do abroad.

2025: Utrecht, the Netherlands
2024: Utrecht, the Netherlands
2023: Utrecht, the Netherlands

2022: postponed to August 2023 due to the covid-19 pandemic
2021: Utrecht, the Netherlands (online)
2020: postponed to August 2021 due to the covid-19 pandemic.
2019: Utrecht, the Netherlands
2018: Utrecht, the Netherlands
2017: Utrecht, the Netherlands
2016: Utrecht, the Netherlands
2015: Utrecht, the Netherlands
2014: Utrecht, the Netherlands
2013: Utrecht, the Netherlands
2012: Utrecht, the Netherlands
2011: Breukelen, the Netherlands
2010: Granada, Spain
2009: Utrecht, the Netherlands
2008: Utrecht, the Netherlands
2007: Bologna, Italy
2006: Utrecht, the Netherlands
2005: Linköping, Sweden
2004: Ljubljana Graduate School of Humanities ISH, Slovenia
2003: University of Antwerp, Belgium
2002: Utrecht University, the Netherlands
2001: Madrid, Spain
2000: Pisa, Italy
1999: Utrecht University, the Netherlands

– Unfortunately, we do not have flyers of these previous NOI♀SE editions-
1998: Universities of Abo/Turku, Finland
1997: Universities of Dortmund and Bielefeld, Germany
1996: Utrecht University , the Netherlands
1995: Odense University, Denmark
1994: University of Bologna, Italy
1991: Utrecht University, the Netherlands, pilot