The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (NOG) hosts the annual National Research Day, organized this year by the Amsterdam Research Centre for Gender and Sexuality. The NOG Research Day is a dedicated platform for sharing the work of junior and senior researchers of Dutch universities in the fields of Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Sexuality and Diversity Studies. Faculty, Postdoctorate fellows, PhD candidates and Research Master students are cordially invited to participate in this event.

This year the National Research Day is called ‘Gender in Trouble, Gender in Transformation’ and will take place on Saturday October 19, 2024 in Amsterdam.

Call for Papers (Flyer)
Gender and sexuality are intensely intertwined with a range of crises of our time: as sites of moral panics, as terrains of social and political transformation, as symptoms of contemporary crises. The intense and distinct roles that gender and sexuality play within contemporary societies worldwide raises many questions: from “Who’s afraid of Gender?” to what kinds of transformations are taking place in the name of gender and sexuality; from how questions of gender and sexuality are reshaping our societies to what is happening with our understanding and conceptualization of sex and gender along the way; from a discursive focus on gender and sexuality, to the entrenched ways in which these are also crises and transformations of class, race, ability, citizenship regimes, and other markers of inequality and difference.

For this NOG Research Day, we specifically invite doctoral students who work on and with gender and/or sexuality – in relation to other political economies and grammars of difference –  to present their work in progress, and to reflect on how their work might shed light on questions and conceptualizations of gender and sexuality in an intersectional framework. The research day is centered on Gender Studies (understood in a broad sense) scholarship of PhD students. It offers PhD researchers who present their work in progress scholarly engagement with their work by more senior researchers within the NOG community.

The NOG Research Day opens with a panel session, co-organized with the Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, in which some of the intense dynamics around gender and sexuality in the Dutch landscape are discussed. The whole day will be concluded by attending together the event Who’s Afraid of Gender? A Conversation with Judith Butler, co-organized by Ten Have, Paradiso, and SPUI25, on the occasion of the Dutch translation of Butler’s latest book (tickets to the events are included for participants of the NOG Research Day).

We invite contributions based on research, art, and activism. We hope presentations might address the following themes, without being limited to these:

  • Moral panics on gender and sexuality and what they reveal, with special emphasis on what they reveal about other power relations and grammers of difference
  • Anti-gender movements world-wide
  • TERF and ‘anti-woke’ mobilizations, including their racial politics
  • Gender and sexuality in democratic backsliding and the rise of authoritarianism and fascism
  • Gender and sexuality in contemporary forms of populism and nationalism
  • Gender and sexuality in narratives of (national, civilizational) “decline”
  • Homonationalism and femonationalism
  • Intersectional analyses of the current focus on gender and sexuality
  • Decolonial analyses of the current focus on gender and sexuality
  • Exploring material conditions of the current focus on gender and sexuality
  • The future of gender / gender freedom
  • Reclaiming sexual politics for more equal and just societies

Open for presentations by PhD candidates registered at Dutch universities. All are cordially invited to participate in this event and submit proposals for paper presentations. Paper presentation should be 15-20 mins and we hope for time for discussion with all participants of the research day.

Deadline for abstracts:
Abstracts for papers (300 words maximum) can be sent to until Monday September 16, 2024. Please mention your name, university, and if applicable supervisor(s). By Monday September 30, 2024, we’ll let you know whether your abstract has been accepted.

More information:

NOG: keep an eye on this website