
PhD Defense Christophe Van Eecke (Maastricht University, NL)

Date: Thursday November 5, 2015, at 10.00 hrs Location: Aula of the Minderbroedersberg 4-6, Maastricht Title: ‘Pandaemonium: Ken Russell's Artist Biographies as Baroque Performance’ Supervisors: Maaike Meijer, Karel Vanhaesebrouck and Jack Post Registration: no registration; free entrance Ken Russell (1927-2011) was a renegade talent and the self-styled enfant terrible of British [...]

PhD Defense Christophe Van Eecke (Maastricht University, NL)2018-10-29T14:06:45+01:00

Doing Gender Lecture by Kate Eichhorn

In the autumn of 2015 the Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies in cooperation with the Graduate Gender Programme (GGeP) at Utrecht University organises the fifteenth round of the DOING GENDER Lecture Series. These lectures stress the importance of doing gender work combined with an active involvement in the practice of [...]

Doing Gender Lecture by Kate Eichhorn2018-10-29T14:06:45+01:00

Vacancies: 3 PhDs / 1 Postdoc ‘Digital Crossings in Europe. Gender, Diaspora and Belonging’ (CONNECTINGEUROPE)

You will be working within the project 'Digital Crossings in Europe: Gender, Diaspora and Belonging' (CONNECTINGEUROPE). This project is funded by the European Research Council (ERC), by way of a Consolidator Grant awarded to the principal investigator Prof. dr. Sandra Ponzanesi (Professor of Gender and Postcolonial Studies, Utrecht University, the Netherlands). The [...]

Vacancies: 3 PhDs / 1 Postdoc ‘Digital Crossings in Europe. Gender, Diaspora and Belonging’ (CONNECTINGEUROPE)2018-10-29T14:06:45+01:00

Seminar with Anne Brewster on Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Women’s Protest Writing

Associate Professor Anne Brewster will revisit in her lecture the category of contemporary Australian Aboriginal protest poetry and suggest that in recent years the protest tradition established in the 1960s and 1970s has taken a gendered turn. Contemporary Australian Aboriginal women write about their struggles against the violence embedded in colonial [...]

Seminar with Anne Brewster on Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Women’s Protest Writing2018-10-29T14:06:45+01:00

Doing Gender Lecture by Jennifer Wagner-Lawlor

In the spring of 2015 the Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies in cooperation with the Graduate Gender Programme (GGeP) at Utrecht University organises the fourteenth round of the DOING GENDER Lecture Series. These lectures stress the importance of doing gender work combined with an active involvement in the practice of [...]

Doing Gender Lecture by Jennifer Wagner-Lawlor2018-10-29T14:06:45+01:00

Doing Gender Lecture by Laura Mulvey and Anna Backman Rogers

In the spring of 2015 the Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies in cooperation with the Graduate Gender Programme (GGeP) at Utrecht University organises the fourteenth round of the DOING GENDER Lecture Series. These lectures stress the importance of doing gender work combined with an active involvement in the practice of [...]

Doing Gender Lecture by Laura Mulvey and Anna Backman Rogers2018-10-29T14:06:46+01:00

Book launch Iris van der Tuin’s ‘Generational Feminism’

On Tuesday 21 April 2015, Dr. Iris van der Tuin will present her new book 'Generational Feminism. New Materialist Introduction to a Generational Approach', in which she redirects the notion of generational logic in feminism away from its simplistic conception as conflict. Also, her new position as the coordinator of the Utrecht Bachelor [...]

Book launch Iris van der Tuin’s ‘Generational Feminism’2018-10-29T14:06:46+01:00

Krizia Nardini wins AMSA’s 2015 Frankel Scholarship

NOG PhD student Krizia Nardini has been awarded with the annual Loren Frankel Memorial scholarship by the American Men’s Studies Association (AMSA). She received the scholarship during the 23rd Annual Conference of the AMSA in New York. Nardini (alumna of the RMA Gender & Ethnicity, Utrecht University) received the award for her [...]

Krizia Nardini wins AMSA’s 2015 Frankel Scholarship2018-10-29T14:06:46+01:00

NOG & Nationale Wetenschapsagenda

In de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda komen de thema’s en onderzoeksvragen waar de wetenschap zich de komende jaren op gaat richten. De Nationale Wetenschapsagenda bundelt de krachten van verschillende partijen en stimuleert daarmee samenwerking tussen wetenschappers, het bedrijfsleven en maatschappelijke organisaties. Vragen aan de wetenschap Voorzitters Beatrice de Graaf en Alexander Rinnooy Kan [...]

NOG & Nationale Wetenschapsagenda2018-10-29T14:07:01+01:00

Masterclass with Professor Gloria Wekker

On 24 April the NOG organizes a masterclass with Prof. Gloria Wekker at Utrecht University. This seminar will discuss feminist methodologies, specifically the various ways of gathering and analyzing data (archival materials, oral histories, texts, interviews, ethnography/auto-ethnography, etc.) from a feminist perspective. The focus will be on qualitative research methods on a [...]

Masterclass with Professor Gloria Wekker2018-10-29T14:19:13+01:00

PhD Course: Research methods from a gender perspective

Subject: Classical and modern debate on the use of qualitative and quantitative research methods from a gender perspective. Organisers: dr. Inge Bleijenbergh, prof.dr. Willy Jansen Contact: or Time: Friday May 22 and June 5, 2015. Place: Huize Heyendaal, Radboud University Nijmegen Registration: Please send the fully completed Registration Form to [...]

PhD Course: Research methods from a gender perspective2018-10-29T14:07:18+01:00

Doing Gender Lecture by Ann Cvetkovich

In the spring of 2015 the Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies in cooperation with the Graduate Gender Programme (GGeP) at Utrecht University organises the fourteenth round of the DOING GENDER Lecture Series. These lectures stress the importance of doing gender work combined with an active involvement in the practice of [...]

Doing Gender Lecture by Ann Cvetkovich2018-10-29T14:06:46+01:00
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